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On 09, Apr 2013 | In Red Wines | By admin
Rosso Conero D.O.C. Legno Grande
Vineyard Location
Boranico’s farm, extended on Ha. 16.33.15 in Varano, an outlying village within the municipality of Ancona, close behind the Mount Conero, on a hill side which is standing in the best sun position.
Caratteristiche Uvaggio
Posizionato nel punto più elevato e protetto dal podere Boranico, il vigneto, con una superficie di Ha. 0.99.50, è stato impiantato nel 1997 con vitigno 100% Montepulciano. La resa è limitata di 55 ql. di uva ad ettaro.
The grapes fully ripened are hand-picked, cleaned of the stalks and pressed. The fermentation takes place normally within a temperature of 29° C and 31° C. The maceration of the must together with the peels last’s 20 days with daily topping up. After the drawing it has then carried out the malolactic fermentation in big wood casks.
The malolactic fermentation terminates at the and of December. The wine is poured off and put again in big wood casks where it rests 13 months. At the end, the wine is bottled.
Analitical Specifications
Total acidity 5.36 gr./l.
Volatile acidity 0.48 gr./l.
Alcohol 13,70% vol
Dry extract 31.30 gr./l.
Producer’s Advices
Full-bodied and structured wine, suitable for a long period of conservation in bottle, at least 10/15 years in ideal cellar conditions.tions.